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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Be Slimmer Weight Loss - Two Types Of Food To Lose Weight

Here are two foods that are really helpful when it comes to losing weight. And they don't really taste that bad either, so they're worth trying. So let's begin.

1. Almonds and Walnuts

All nuts are high in protein and monounsaturated fat (good fats) Almonds and walnuts are the kings of nuts. Eating nuts does not create the calorie intake that you'd expect because 5% to 15% of calories are not absorbed by your body. That is because the nut's skin and how well you chew nuts influence digestion.

The slow release of calories leads to giving you the feeling of fullness longer. Here's a rundown of how almonds and walnuts can help you...

Nutrition: fiber, potassium, vitamin E, fiber magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron.

What They Do: build muscle: Not only do they have protein, but almonds have an adequate amount of magnesium, which is crucial to building muscle.

Fight cravings (eating 24 almonds for a snack or before a meal) with 8 ozs of water will suppress your appetite. The water causes the fiber to expand in your stomach, making you feel more full.

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